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Setup and Monocle3 Objects


  • Request an account on the Tufts HPC Cluster
    • Note if you signed up for the Introduction to Single-Cell RNA-Seq Time Series and Trajectory Analysis workshop this will have been already taken care of for you!
  • Connect to the VPN if off campus

Once you have an account and are connected to the VPN/Tufts Network, navigate to the OnDemand Website and log in with your tufts credentials. Once you are logged in you'll notice a few navigation options:

OnDemand Layout

Click on Interactive Apps > RStudio Pax and you will see a form to fill out to request compute resources to use RStudio on the Tufts HPC cluster. We will fill out the form with the following entries:

  • Number of hours : 5
  • Number of cores : 1
  • Amount of memory : 16GB
  • R version : 4.0.0
  • Reservation for class, training, workshop : Bioinformatics Workshops
    • NOTE: This reservation closed on April 26th 2023, use Default if running through the materials after that date.
  • Load Supporting Modules: boost/1.63.0-python3 java/1.8.0_60 gsl/2.6

Click Launch and wait until your session is ready. Click Connect To RStudio Server, and you will notice a new window will pop up with RStudio.

Are you connected to RStudio?
  • Yes (put up a green check mark in zoom)
  • No (raise hand in zoom)

Data & Scripts

To copy over the data and scripts we will need for the workshop into our home directory, enter the following command into the console:

file.copy(from="/cluster/tufts/bio/tools/training/trajectory_analysis",to="~/", recursive = TRUE)

Project Setup

Now we are going to use this folder to create a new R project. R projects are great for managing analyses in a portable, self-contained folder. To create an R project from within our trajectory_analysis directory we will:

  • Go to File > New Project
  • Existing Directory
  • Browse for the trajectory_analysis folder
  • Click Create Project

Let's navigate to our project in our home directory and open up our workshop script:

  • Click on the Files tab in the lower right hand Rstudio pane
  • Click on the scripts folder
  • Click on the trajectory_analysis.Rmd script

Today's Data

Today we will be working with data from Paulson et al. 2022 which found cell-type-specific neurodevelopmental abnormalities that were shared across ASD risk genes. To this end they leveraged organoid single-cell RNA-seq data to investigate these abnormalities:

Monocle3 Cell Data Objects

  • We will be working with single-cell RNA-seq data in R today. Today, we will be performing trajectory analysis using the R package Monocle3. Monocle3 stores single-cell RNA-seq data as a cell data set object, which has the following structure:

Monocle3's Cell Data Set Object

Loading Libraries and Data

Before we analyze our single-cell RNA-Seq data we will need to load the libraries needed for our analysis:

# set the libPath and load the libraries
  • Let's start by loading the input matrices we need to create our cell data set object!
# read in cells by gene count matrix
counts <- read.csv("/cluster/tufts/bio/data/projects/2023_02_time_series_scrnaseq/rds/SUV420H1_Mito210_d35_counts.csv", 
                   check.names = F)



FO538757.2                     0                  1                  0
AP006222.2                     0                  0                  0
RP11-206L10.9                  0                  0                  0
LINC00115                      0                  0                  0
# read in sample meta data
meta <- read.csv( "/cluster/tufts/bio/data/projects/2023_02_time_series_scrnaseq/rds/SUV420H1_Mito210_d35_meta.csv", row.names=1)



                   treat         dataset            CellType
1_AAAGGTACACAGCTGC    wt SUV_Mito210_d35 Cycling Progenitors
1_AAAGGTATCTGCCTGT    wt SUV_Mito210_d35                 aRG
1_AACAACCCACACTGGC    wt SUV_Mito210_d35 Cycling Progenitors
1_AACAAGATCGAAGCAG    wt SUV_Mito210_d35                 aRG
1_AACAGGGAGGACAGCT    wt SUV_Mito210_d35                 aRG
1_AACCTGAGTATACGGG    wt SUV_Mito210_d35 Cycling Progenitors
# can optionally list more annotation of genes
gene_meta <- read.csv("/cluster/tufts/bio/data/projects/2023_02_time_series_scrnaseq/rds/SUV420H1_Mito210_d35_genemeta.csv",


FO538757.2         FO538757.2
AP006222.2         AP006222.2
RP11-206L10.9   RP11-206L10.9
LINC00115           LINC00115
FAM41C                 FAM41C
RP11-54O7.1       RP11-54O7.1
  • Now that we have loaded our gene expression matrix, our meta data, and our gene metadata, we can use these to create the cell data set object!
# note the colnames(counts) must match rownames(meta)

cds <- new_cell_data_set(expression_data = as.matrix(counts),
                         cell_metadata = meta, 
                         gene_metadata = gene_meta)

# let's take a look at our new object!


class: cell_data_set 
dim: 12962 4000 
metadata(1): cds_version
assays(1): counts
rownames(12962): FO538757.2 AP006222.2 ... AC004556.1 AC240274.1
rowData names(0):
colData names(4): treat dataset CellType Size_Factor
  • Here we will highlight that we have 12962 rows and 4000 columns, our rownames are gene names, our column names are the cell names, we have one assay (counts), we have 4 columns of meta data under colData, and we have no dimension reductions under reducedDimNames.
  • Let's investage a few helpful functions that can help access these data:
# access the gene names


[1] "FO538757.2"    "AP006222.2"    "RP11-206L10.9" "LINC00115"     "FAM41C" 
# access the cell names


# access the feature data

output (Notice we have no gene meta data)

DataFrame with 6 rows and 0 columns
# access the meta data


DataFrame with 6 rows and 4 columns
                         treat         dataset            CellType Size_Factor
                   <character>     <character>         <character>   <numeric>
1_AAAGGTACACAGCTGC          wt SUV_Mito210_d35 Cycling Progenitors    1.074965
1_AAAGGTATCTGCCTGT          wt SUV_Mito210_d35                 aRG    0.584379
1_AACAACCCACACTGGC          wt SUV_Mito210_d35 Cycling Progenitors    1.248093
1_AACAAGATCGAAGCAG          wt SUV_Mito210_d35                 aRG    1.115985
1_AACAGGGAGGACAGCT          wt SUV_Mito210_d35                 aRG    0.682049
1_AACCTGAGTATACGGG          wt SUV_Mito210_d35 Cycling Progenitors    0.997981
# access the assay data


6 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
FO538757.2                     .                  1                  .
AP006222.2                     .                  .                  .
RP11-206L10.9                  .                  .                  .
LINC00115                      .                  .                  .
FAM41C                         .                  .                  .
RP11-54O7.1                    .                  .                  .
What is a dgCMatrix?

a dgCMatrix is a type of sparse, compressed, column-oriented numeric matrix where non-zero elements in each column are sorted into increasing row order. Essentially, this is a way of storing matrices with less memory which is important for single-cell RNA-seq data given so many matrices are generated.